Monday 26 April 2010

Vis Comms session 26/4/10


Nightmare trying to print off photos anywhere in the college today - all printers on a go-slow so nothing happening. Had to take all of my stuff out of the queue so that other people could print. Who knows when I'll print it out now...

Anyway, uploaded yesterday's photos to Premier Pro - need to know how to use effects and possibly add text to replace the awful text boxes I have printed out myself.

Again, almost forgot - had to scale clips to project dimensions BEFORE importing them into Premier Pro or they'll appear too big in the frame and you'll lose a lot of the photo image.

Rendering the images lessens the jerky movement from frame to frame.

However, the overall look of this is pretty dire. My fingers appear in the frames, the movement of the cut-outs isn't fluid enough, the frame size is not big enough to get everything in properly. I need to get smaller crayons for a start. There are too many things in frame.

I also want the colour to appear sharper. There is still too much of the black/white photo in shot so the mood is still pretty dark. Not sure how I'm going to do that. May just have to have a white background with the coloured acetates on top. Or just drop in a white background underneath the acetates from the top of the frame.

Add these into my summary/evaluation. Make sure I reference everything I've accessed for this assignment.

Tutorial with Julie:

Talked about the following

Colour. The acetates are not really working that well. I may use fine tissue
paper and colour it with coloured pencils/wax and drop this in as a
background. Or use it as a background to layer the coloured acetates

Julie will lend me her Gorilla pod so that I can experiment with that
as the tripod legs are getting in the way.

My animation as it stands looks too busy. I have to now think about
considering isolating the movement, e.g: when adding the colour or
dropping it down, stop the rabbits moving. I can keep the rabbits
still for a number of shots, for example. I need to tell the viewer
what to look at, at any given time.

Leave the text boxes on screen for a lot longer, so the viewer can
take in the information. I had considered adding in text in Premier
Pro, but after discussing with Julie, decided that the 'handmade'
effect may be lost this way, so I'll just adapt my cut-outs to fit.

Use smaller crayons - wax and coloured so they don't take up too much
of the frame.

Use the rabbits coming in from left and right to 'activate' the middle
rabbit. For example, they can be holding a crayon and when they touch
the middle rabbit, it will start to be 'coloured in'. You can take a
lot of shots - still, just a little more colour is added each shot.

The crayons appearing anywhere else in the shot can be colouring the
background. I have to be careful tho, as moving things around in this
will cause the rabbits to move. I had trouble with the blu tac before.
So I will need to experiment with this and practice it a few times
before committing it to the final piece.

Blog margins: On some of my blogs the movie clips appear to be cropped
on the right edge so you can't see all the image. In order to rectify
this I needed to change the code settings. Julie advised me to save my
original code settings (as they were originally) to a word document so
I could go back to them if anything went wrong when trying to change

I changed the following: Header wrapper: 820; Outer wrapper: 850;
Main wrapper: 550; Text allignment: left; Main float: left; Sidebar
wrapper: 270; sidebar wrapper float: right;

Need to talk about effects now.

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