Friday 23 April 2010

Storyboard update and background research


Time to update the storyboard thinking about text and sound....

Doing this again is allowing me to visualize the animation more thoroughly and think about when to introduce text, colour and sound.
The music needs to start of fairly simply but sombre and sad and gradually become more jaunty and upbeat (not overtaking the animation though, not overly loud). I then would like the sound of chidlren's happy voices laughing to appear - all of which fades out as the closing information titles appear at the end of the sequence.

I've been looking further into the following

Low tech animation: Folk Animation - Low Tech Art in the High Tech age

This is an interesting article about getting messages over to children using
simple animation, as well as talking about watching children making art,
pointing out that contrary to them having short attention spans, when
engaing in art they are capable of sustained concentration. This therefore
underpins the importance of creative learning in children - art as a tool to
learning. Children tell stories with pictures as well as words, so links
between the two are developed and strenthened through creative arts sessions.

Parenting and skills for families/Suffolk Family Learning

This outlines the opportunities for taster workshops and courses for parents
with a chance to: share experiences and views with others in a supportive and
confidential group; discuss ways of building positive relationships; explore
ways to build children's self-esteem and to learn new skills and build confid-
ence. Creative learning sessions on offer at Beccles LEAP centres combine
the child's art learning experience with the development of their relationship
with parents/carers, as well as giving both child and parent a chance to get to
know new people in the community.

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