Saturday, 24 April 2010

new bubbles, new text... size does matter...


redoing my speech bubbles in felt pen - bolder and stands out better than crayon...

To compliment these I want text boxes to appear near the end of the animation to advertise the sessions themselves, organisation, contact details etc.

However, this was nowhere near big enough to show up no the photographs (as they were being taken from a tripod/a distance so I had to re-do them a lot bigger. It's a hit and miss thing getting the size right so it's a case of trail and error.

Attempted to add colour to the black and white photo starting with the darkest photo first...then replacing it with the light one

remembering to draw registration marks at each corner so that the new replacement is in the right place. Brining the coloured actetates in from each side proved a lot more difficult though, because the tripod legs were in the way. This was very frustrating and means that the end result will not be as smooth as I'd have liked.

On the above photo you can see the overlap of acetates in order for them to fill the screen. This is because the shot in the frame from the tripod is smaller than the photo/area of the actual image and by the time the coloured halves of the acetates show on screen, then are actually overlapping in the middle. This means I may have to cut a bit out of the middle to make it smaller and push the coloured edges to the edge of the shot/to fit.

I overlaid the 2nd coloured acetate on top of the two halves because it was just too difficult to bring in another two from each side without the acetates slipping on each other. It's not the most satisfactory way of adding colour but all I can do with my limted skills at the moment!

Even this doesn't quite give the intense colour I was hoping for, but once the rabbits, coloured objects and text are on, it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

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